The hard truth about soft skills

Scaling Success

Insights into executive hiring for scale-ups and entrepreneurially-driven companies.

Hi Reader,

A challenging aspect in hiring leaders is determining and evidencing the soft skills for a successful appointment.

Whilst using your intuition or gut feeling to evaluate soft skills can be an integral part of some leadership selection, I have seen too many examples where an over-reliance on it has led to poor hiring decisions.

Unlike technical skills, we cultivate soft skills through real-life experiences, interactions, and self-reflection. They are deeply ingrained in our personality, attitudes, and behaviour, making them hard to assess.

Overcoming the measurement dilemma

Soft skills are highly subjective and context-dependent. They can be challenging to measure with traditional interviewing methods. However, advancements in psychometrics, behavioural assessments, and competency frameworks, such as the methods offered by my leadership effectiveness business, NewlandRock, have made it possible to evaluate soft skills much more objectively.

I regard this as a crucial step for leadership hires and frequently incorporate it into hiring processes. It provides a further qualitative data point to assess how someone shows up in different settings. It validates a hiring decision and helps to inform onboarding.

What are some of the most common soft skills my consumer and retail clients seek?

1. Effective communication: Unsurprisingly, this tops the list, as it's crucial in every step of professional life. Whether pitching ideas, negotiating deals, or resolving conflicts, effective communication fosters understanding and builds rapport and confidence.

2. Emotional intelligence Empathy, self-awareness, and resilience are hallmarks of emotional intelligence. Leaders with high emotional intelligence can navigate interpersonal dynamics with finesse, inspire confidence and loyalty, and foster a positive work culture.

3. Adaptability and resilience: Adaptability is critical to success in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. Individuals who can quickly pivot, learn new skills, and thrive in ambiguity are invaluable assets to any organisation.

4. Teamwork and collaboration: Success in most professions hinges on one's ability to work effectively within teams. Soft skills such as active listening and consensus-building are essential for fostering a cohesive and high-performing team environment.

5. Creative problem-solving: Creativity and critical thinking are indispensable in complex and uncertain environments. This soft skill means approaching challenges from multiple perspectives, thinking outside the box, and devising innovative solutions.

When contemplating your next leadership appointment, what soft skills will impact success in the role? Crucially, how will you measure them to instil the confidence that you have made the right decision?

For more help with leadership hiring within consumer and retail, contact me.

To your success,

Guy Day

For more advice and support with building your value-led hiring strategy within consumer and retail, contact me at BartonRock Executive Search or Kate Thomas at NewlandRock for advice on leadership effectiveness coaching.

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About BartonRock:

Guy Day is the Founder of BartonRock, the executive search partner for high-growth companies in consumer and retail.

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Speak to our sister company NewlandRock led by Kate Thomas. Focused on Assessment | Executive Coaching | Wellbeing Solutions – Internationally

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