How much do you hire from outside your sector?

Scaling Success

Insights into executive hiring for scale-ups and entrepreneurially-driven companies.

Hi Reader,

A leadership team becomes powerful when complementary skills and experience are present. Sometimes, to achieve that, you might need to inject a leader into a team who can shake things up and bring a fresh perspective.

I recently hired a senior marketing leader, and the brief was to challenge conventional thinking and bring fresh ideas.

The CEO was favouring a candidate with prior experience in their industry sector.

‘How much have you hired from outside your sector?’ I asked (knowing the answer was very little). And how much will hiring more of what you already have challenge the status quo?

She took my advice, and six months in, the senior leadership team is venturing outside their comfort zone.

Like everything in business, there is a balance to strike—you can’t gamble on senior hires and make a wildly left-field choice. And there are some occasions where prior experience from your industry is imperative.

However, you can challenge any unconscious bias by meeting candidates on your shortlist who bring different experiences and a leadership style you don’t already have.

Here are four ways hiring outside of your sector can help your team to catalyse creativity and drive transformative change within your organisation.

  1. Diverse perspectives spark innovation: When you hire leaders from diverse backgrounds, you introduce a spectrum of perspectives into your business: new experiences, insights, and problem-solving approaches that may be entirely novel to your industry.
  2. Challenge the status quo: Insular thinking within an industry can stifle growth and limit potential. Hiring executives from outside your sector is more likely to question the status quo, challenge conventional wisdom, and push boundaries. This willingness to experiment and take calculated risks can foster a culture of innovation and drive meaningful change within your company.
  3. Adaptability in a dynamic environment: Adaptability is critical to survival in a rapidly evolving business landscape. Leaders who have navigated diverse industries can bring agility and flexibility. These can be invaluable assets as you respond to shifting trends and emerging challenges.
  4. Catalyse organisational learning and growth: Hiring leaders outside your sector can also catalyse organisational learning and development. These individuals bring fresh skill sets and best practices from other sectors which can enrich your team’s collective knowledge base.

While hiring from outside your sector may entail risks and challenges, the potential rewards can far outweigh the costs. By assembling a diverse leadership team, you position your organisation to thrive and scale to its next level of impact.

To your success,

Guy Day

For more advice and support with building your value-led hiring strategy within consumer and retail, contact me at BartonRock Executive Search or Kate Thomas at NewlandRock for advice on leadership effectiveness coaching.

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About BartonRock:

Guy Day is the Founder of BartonRock, the executive search partner for high-growth companies in consumer and retail.

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