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Talent Trends 2024

Hi Reader, It has been a much more challenging year for hiring in 2023. The tech and e-commerce sectors have seen a significant correction and the retail industry has struggled with consumer spending considerably lower than in prior years. Many retailers continue to grapple with becoming truly omnichannel but need to adopt this strategy in the face of intense competition. More widely, reduced business investment as well as pressure on costs has translated to greater risk aversion and subdued...

Hi Reader Who is my successor? A question that is fundamental to sustainable growth It’s remarkable how many companies I observe that hire reactively. Of course, a focus on the present to meet revenue, profit and broader operational goals is imperative. But carving out time for longer-term planning, especially future leadership is imperative. In this Scaling Success newsletter, as we approach the calendar year-end, I thought it would be useful to reflect on succession planning for our own...

Hi Reader, Succession planning represents the board's paramount opportunity to shape a company’s future. In an era where CEO tenures are becoming shorter, and turnover rates are on the rise, boards need to be increasingly focused on nurturing a robust leadership pipeline. However, mastering the art of succession planning is no simple feat. I’ve seen it fail too many times. It calls for substantial effort, dedicated time, and a meticulously considered approach. Are you equipped with a...

Hi Reader, Why do so many CMOs fail? According to Harvard Business Review, 80% of CEOs don't trust or are unimpressed by their Chief Marketing Officers. Not surprisingly, therefore, CMOs have one of the briefest tenures in the C-suite. So where does that tension between the CEO and CMO come from? A successful CMO is integral to a great digital strategy or transformation, but it's not always down to a lack of ability that leads the CMO to fail. I'm going to offer seven recommendations to...

Hi Reader, The business world often seems designed for extroverts – charismatic leaders who thrive in social situations. But let's not overlook the incredible potential of introverts in the C-suite. While extroverted traits like strong networking skills, calculated risk-taking, quick-thinking and dynamic communication skills can be advantageous, the C-Suite is not exclusively reserved for extroverts. In fact, in my experience, some of the most successful leaders are introverts Introverted...

Hi Reader, I've witnessed the transformative impact of technology on recruitment and search over the years. LinkedIn started up in 2003 and job boards entered the market a few years earlier. Both digitally disrupted the recruitment sector but it has remained a thriving, growth industry. There is now understandably plenty of ‘chat’ about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI). On a recent London Business School course on Leading Digital Transformation that I completed, I was introduced to...

Hi, I recently posted a link to an article by Raconteur on LinkedIn debating why there are so few CEOs within the UK’s FTSE 100 who were former CMOs. It sparked some good debate on LinkedIn, so I thought I would dive deeper into this topic. First of all, is it really the case that few people from the marketing discipline fail to make the leap to CEO? If you look at just the FTSE 100 then you might think so but that is a small sample size and the answer is heavily based on the industry sector...

Hi Reader, Hiring processes are employment brand-building opportunities even if you don’t end up recruiting someone. Running a slick but rigorous selection vastly improves your candidate engagement and leaves you with company advocates even if you don’t end up hiring them. Here are three areas to consider but what else would you have on your list? Be rigorous on selection but don’t hire on gut feel We have all hired people we instinctively like or who are similar to ourselves. It’s human...

Hi Reader, As we have seen recently getting it right with hiring your next leader is critical.Whilst I aim to steer clear of political opinion as a general rule, what has been happening within the UK government in recent months has taught us the repercussions of appointing the wrong leader can be very severe.What learnings can we draw from this which can be applied in hiring great digital leaders?Here are my thoughts, taken from my 7-step framework for hiring success.Can they do the job? Do...

Hi Reader I’ve not seen a time when companies need expertise in hiring, development, and retention of their people more than they do now. Here are 4 reasons why: Kicking off BartonRock in September 2020, mid-way through a pandemic with suppressed hiring conditions, would ordinarily be cause for great concern but I quickly realised that companies weren’t just looking to hire the right people, they increasingly needed advice around their entire ‘people ecosystem’. Hasn’t that always been the...